Build your customized Chatbot with RAG and LangChain agentSince ChatGPT became popular, many companies have started wanting to create their own chatbots to serve customers. The job market has also…Aug 25, 20241Aug 25, 20241
Published inGoPenAIDevelop a large language model application using LangchainYou may have heard of or used ChatGPT, the large language model (LLM) chatbot developed by OpenAI, on the web and been amazed by what it…Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
Sentence Embedding by BERT and Sentence SimilarityThis article will introduce how to use BERT to get sentence embedding and use this embedding to fine-tune downstream tasks. I will also…Jan 24, 20231Jan 24, 20231
Sentence Embedding by BERT and Sentence Similarity (中文)BERT 的原理就不贅述了,網路上很多教學,我也在 來玩點NLP — LSTM vs. BERT on IMDb dataset 這篇有大概介紹,有興趣可以去看看,只是我發現我在那篇裡使用了比較麻煩的方式來 fine-tune BERT 做文本分類,可能最近 BERT…Jan 24, 2023Jan 24, 2023
Time series prediction — LSTM的各種用法前陣子剛好有機會碰到time series的題目,但在要使用 LSTM 時突然很猶豫到底該怎麼用比較好,於是便每種都使用看看,這篇以股價預測的資料作為範例紀錄以下這幾種做法:Jun 16, 20221Jun 16, 20221
Social Network Analysis — A preliminary exploration of graph and graph embedding(DeepWalk)Machine learning 在結構化、影像、文字等類型的資料有許多發展外,以圖學(Graph)為基礎的社群網路資料(如 FB等社群網站互相follow的關係、電子信箱信件往來關係、論文間互相cite...等)…Aug 7, 2020Aug 7, 2020
Generative Adversarial Network and Super Resolution GAN(SRGAN)Image super-resolution (SR) techniques reconstruct a higher-resolution image from the observed lower-resolution images. An intuitive…Apr 24, 2020Apr 24, 2020
Human Activity Recognition — SlowFast Network影像分類、物件偵測等電腦視覺技術,隨著ImageNet、COCO數據集的挑戰發展出許多達到人類判斷水準的類神經網路。 而行為識別是個比影像的物件偵測難度更高的一個領域,他需要透過理解一段 video…Mar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
來玩點NLP — LSTM vs. BERT on IMDb dataset在深度學習的領域裡,Computer Vision(CV)和Natural Language Process(NLP)為最熱絡的兩個領域。CV 玩了一段時間也想來碰一下NLP,就以基本的文本分類來踏入NLP 的世界吧~~Feb 15, 20201Feb 15, 20201